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Cassida C850 Coin Counter/Off-Sorter

Price: $1,050.00

Brand: Cassida

SKU: C850

Cassida C850 Coin Counter/Off-Sorter


The Cassida C850 coin counter/off-sorter/wrapper gives you the options of counting, wrapping, off-sorting or bagging. With its extended multispeed motorized hopper, the C850 can hold up to 6500 coins, which allows you to fill and step away while it counts at a rapid 1900 coins per minute.

The Cassida C850 rapidly sorts and counts high volumes of mixed coins which can then be dispensed into the bag, coin wrapper or a container of your choice, while the other denominations are off-sorted into a bag or reject tray. The C850 has a built-in memory feature that stores counts for each denomination to speed processing.


  • Operating modes include counting, adding and batching modes
  • Countable coins and tokens include all US and Canadian coins
  • Hopper capacity of 6,500 coins (dimes)
  • Counting speed up to 1,900 coins per min
  • Optional plastic coin tubes to simplify the wrapping process
  • 2 speed motorized hopper that prevents jamming
  • Forward-facing coin reject


* 1-year parts and labor warranty

Specifications for Cassida C850 Coin Counter/Off-Sorter
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